www.soan-combines.50megs.com -Natural art woven in the laps of Nature
   Presenting Your Art

Jean Renoir said that 'true art is in the doing of it'.These artifacts have been exclusively made from natural vegitation like grass,straw,bamboo clips,beeds & seeds.Utmost care is taken to maintain its quality,elegance and durability

Before actually presenting these articles extensive evaluation for acceptibility and demand was carried out by experts and results were overwhelmingly enthusiastic and pandemie as well.


As wine begins in the soil of vineyards, natural art begins in the quiet earth. Nature has no form of its own; its task is to offer infinite possibilities. From traditional art to mordern, the spirit of artware will touch everyone. You will be pleased. You will be amazed. Your life will be beautified.

   It all begins with the earth... the grass.. the straw...

Your Jewellery woven on the laps of nature                         Questions? Contact us at: soan_in_net@rediffmail.com


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